“They were overjoyed at seeing the star…” [Matthew 2: 1 -12]
Moving west for days that blended into a forever now
our minds locked into each other’s vision
and the star
defied all the knowledge we had hungrily held
each night it called us
the calm and steady trust brought to us
by that flickering light
was nearly drowned
by the pinched face and the slicing words
of this hungry king whose fear
assaulted us
from the moment
we gave him our cause
That night we did not share a word
of what we felt
we slept
we allowed our dreams
to wrap us in a cloud
And when we found the child we gave them
of our treasures
and our hoarded dreams
and whispered
so that what our hearts can barely contain
when following this child’s eyes
will survive
until none need stars
to call them on
Christmas 2022